Conducted by- University of Venda
The main aim of the study was to identify interventions and incentives needed to improve the number of enterprises, including state-owned tourism attractions that embrace responsible tourism management practices (RTMP's) with the view to improve adherence to the National Standard for Responsible Tourism (SANS 1162). The study was conducted in five provinces (Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga & Western Cape) targeting Product owners, Stakeholders, Tourists and Certification Bodies. A multi-method research approach was followed, in which qualitative and quantitative research methods were combined in order to provide a more completed set of findings. The quantitative data was analysed using the SAS® 9.4 whilst qualitative data was analysed through content analysis method. Two case studies involving an establishment that has implemented RTM practices without any support as well an establishment that has implemented RTM practices with support were developed from the study. The study identified some of the key barriers such as financial constraints faced by the sector when implementing RTMP's, together with interventions and incentives necessary for the development of a sustainable tourism sector in South Africa. The study has recommended that all three spheres of government involved in tourism i.e. the National Department of Tourism (NDT), SAT, Provincial government and Municipalities should have responsibility to drive the adoption of responsible operating practices in the tourism sector.