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South African Tourism Call Centre E-Tools Facebook Twitter


Director-General: Mr Victor Tharage​

​Director-General: Mr. Nkhumeleni Victor Vele



To promote and support the growth and development of an equitable, competitive and sustainable tourism sector, enhancing its contribution to national priorities.

  • Manage the provision of strategic governance and corporate management services;
  • Manage the provision of financial and supply chain management services;
  • Manage the provision of internal audit services in the department;
  • Manage strategic political and policy direction for the development of South Africa’s tourism potential throughout the world;
  • Manage strategic political and policy direction for the development and growth of sustainable domestic tourism throughout South Africa; and
  • Manage strategic tourism sector pol​icy development, monitoring, research and knowledge management services.

 Office of the Director-General

Personal Assistant to the Director-General: Ms Margaret Mathebula

Telephone: +27 (0) 12 444 6377
Cell: +27 (0) 79 693 6911
Fax: +27 (0) 12 444 7090

Director: Office of the Director-General: Mr Thabo Makhubedu
Telephone: +27 (012) 444 6376


To manage the office of the Director-General and provide strategic support in order to ensure efficient and effective service delivery
of the departmental mandate.

  1. Manage the provision of administrative support services to the Office of the Director-General.
  2. Provide effective and efficient executive and secretarial support service to the Director-General.
  3. Provide Cabinet and cluster coordination function including parliamentary liaison to the Director-General, the department
  4. Manage Information Security in the Department in accordance with prescribed security procedures, rules and regulations​