Honourable Members
Who would not be touched by Alan
Paton’s famous quote from Cry the Beloved
“There is a lovely road that runs from
Ixopo into the hills. These hills are grass-covered and rolling, and they are
lovely beyond any singing of it. The road climbs seven miles into them, to
Carisbrooke; and from there, if there is no mist, you look down on one of the
fairest valleys of Africa.”
This is a moving description of but
one corner of this most magnificent country of our birth; a country of almost unrivalled
and diverse scenic beauty – home to the landscapes of iSimangaliso Wetland Park
and uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park in KwaZulu-Natal, as well as the Cape Floral
Region, including Table Mountain majestically towering above this parliamentary
precinct. We are the world’s third most biodiverse country, and these are only
three of our eight unique world heritage sites.
We also boast world heritage sites
narrating the story of where we come from – the Vredefort Dome in the Free
State, which reveals geological secrets about the origins of life on earth; the
Cradle of Humankind in Gauteng, where our symbolic umbilical cord lies buried, the
place we all come from; the spectacular Richtersveld
landscape, which is still home to the Nama pastoralists in the Northern Cape,
and the ancient site of the advanced Mapungubwe civilisation, with the golden
rhino and other artefacts dating back to the 14th century, in
There is also no other country in the
world whose first democratically elected President has been immortalised
through a day declared by the United Nations in honour of his legacy; a day on
which the world is mobilised to fight poverty and promote peace and
reconciliation. It is only here that we can walk in Tata Madiba’s footsteps
along the route of the Madiba Journey, a pilgrimage which includes a visit to Robben Island.
These sites belong to all of us and instil
a shared pride that has the potential to further build our nation. They offer
us the narrative of a common humanity in South Africa, on the continent, and in
the world. The onus is now on us to do
much more to ensure that this wonderful country of ours, with such scenic
beauty, abundance of wildlife, rich history and cultural diversity, indeed belongs
to and is enjoyed by all.
Our heritage landscape is slowly
changing to reflect our African identity and our struggles against colonialism
and apartheid. We boast vibrant music and dance, fine arts and crafts, film and
photography, and fashion and design that shape and define us as a nation. Our
museums and theatres, our festivals and events, and the abundance of sport and
leisure activities make up an irresistible offering. Provided that all the
correct building blocks are in place, there is no reason why the tourism sector
should not continue to grow as it has been doing over the last 20 years.
Domestic tourism has grown, but – as
stated in our National Tourism Sector Strategy – it must grow more, and we will
endeavour to ensure that this happens inclusively and responsibly. The child of
a mineworker must have the same opportunity as the child of a wealthy businessperson
to visit our world heritage sites, to go to our national parks and botanical
gardens, to attend theatre and concerts, and to visit museums and art
We will not have successfully mined the potential of tourism until
all South Africans speak with a single, proud voice about all that we have to
offer, and for this story to be heard by different segments of the tourism
market everywhere in the world.
I use the word “mine” deliberately. The tourism industry is the new gold, directly
employing 617 000 people, or 4,6% of the total workforce in 2012..
This is far more than the number of people employed in the mining sector. If we
add indirect employment, it exceeds 1.4 million people, roughly 10% of the
total workforce. This represents an impressive annual growth rate of 4.7% over
the past 20 years.
In addition, we have seen a number of
developments over the last 20 years:
The number of accommodation establishments has almost tripled,
from just 7 721 to almost 20 000.
- Conference venues have almost doubled, from 1 250 to
2 598.
- The fleet of cars and coaches has more than doubled, whilst
the number of airlines flying to South Africa has grown from 21 to 76.
- In 2012, according to Stats SA, tourism’s direct contribution
to gross domestic product (GDP) was R93 billion, with a staggering annual
average real growth rate of 7.3% over the past 20 years.
- International tourist arrivals to our shores grew to almost
10 million last year.
As impressive as these numbers are,
some say we may have reached a plateau. If this is the case, it would follow
that some bold and innovative new initiatives are needed that will have a
positive impact on the entire tourism value chain.
Our strategies must be informed by
excellent research and planning. We need institutional arrangements that operate
effectively, including strengthening the coordination between national,
provincial and local tourism authorities. For tourism to succeed, the
attractions must be appealing and high-quality, and marketing must keep pace
with our fast-changing technological world where the internet has become as
important as the travel agent. Ease of mobility and safety for tourists are
Although our country with its warm
hospitality is not difficult to sell, we will have to use all our creative
energy and do all the right things to get a greater share of the international
tourism market, and to extract the full value of inbound tourism as an earner
of much-needed foreign exchange.
This means understanding the factors that
drive inbound tourists’ decisions, and ensuring that the excellent work done by
SA Tourism and Brand SA translates into South Africa becoming one of the top 20
destinations by 2020, as envisaged in the National Tourism Sector Strategy.
South Africa is competing with many other destinations. We need to do everything
possible to ensure ease of access for tourists, including entry requirements,
cost of entry, and the convenience and affordability of air travel. Promoting
this amazing offering represents a key part of the mandate of South African
Tourism, our destination marketing organisation, which receives the lion’s
share of our 2014/15 budget allocation of R1,6 billion.
SA Tourism has built a
strong reputation for wisely investing our resources in identified markets
where we know we will get a good return. Their global marketing campaigns
literally reach billions of people all over the world, and are supported by
consumer campaigns in targeted markets. This includes long-haul overseas
markets, but very importantly, also our regional African and domestic markets.
Given the strong growth potential in
Africa, we have ring-fenced nearly R300 million for SA Tourism to expand their
marketing presence on the continent. This will include the opening of another
four marketing offices across the continent over the next few years.
SA Tourism’s “Sho’t Left” marketing
campaign for domestic tourists is already delivering results, and will be
bolstered in the next financial year by another R100 million in secured
ring-fenced investment. The positive brand awareness that SA Tourism has built
also finds expression in how we have modernised INDABA, the biggest trade show
on the continent. We have positioned the SA National Conventions Bureau and the
Meetings Africa trade platform to make sure that we and our partners on the
continent get our fair share of the lucrative market for business tourism events.
Furthermore, we must make sure that
we deliver the quality experiences that tourists expect. This forms a critical
part of the work of the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa as well as the
National Department of Tourism’s ongoing efforts to advance service excellence
and create a registration database for tour guides. For most countries, we are
a long-haul destination.
Therefore, we
need to work extra hard to ensure that the long haul is worthwhile, and that
every visitor to South Africa, whether for business or leisure, sport or
conferencing, leaves with a good lasting impression and firm plans to return
Notwithstanding our good brand, some
new, innovative programmes are needed to sharpen our competitive edge. It is
with this in mind that I invited various stakeholders to a consultative
workshop last Friday. This followed various interactions with industry
representatives over the last few weeks. My Department and our partners will
now embark on an intensive exercise to design three new initiatives to enhance
important components of the tourism value chain. These initiatives will create significant new work
One of these initiatives is to finalise
our tourism incentive programmes (the so called DTI subsidy). The plan is to
incentivise the retrofitting of tourism attractions and accommodation for energy
and water efficiency as well as universal accessibility. Not only will this
keep operating costs down, but will contribute significantly to our drive for a
green and low-carbon economy.
Tourism destinations and tourists worldwide are
responding positively to the call for responsible tourism. Many travellers make decisions based on fair
trade, community benefits and sustainable development practices. There are
already many inspiring examples of establishments recycling greywater and introducing
energy saving measures. Retrofitting the
entire industry, including accommodation and attractions, will create work for
years to come, and will enable us to claim world-class sustainable development
practices as a value-add for tourism.
It is well known that tourism works best
if tourists know where to go and how to get there. We intend making our ports
of entry more welcoming and tourist-friendly. This could include branded and
staffed information centres equipped with touch-screen portals. We will link
these information centres to similarly branded centres at our main tourism attractions
around the country, so that we do more to encourage tourists to visit our
hidden gems in all corners of our country.
Exploring also requires clear and
attractive signage that works. We will cooperate with other departments and
spheres of government to creatively overhaul tourism signage to become a more
attractive reflection of our brand identity. Additionally, in the day and age where tourists travel with
handheld devices and smartphones, and share their experiences in real time
using geo-location tags, enhancing the digital or virtual signage of our
attractions, roads and facilities represents another significant opportunity.
Our strategy takes into account the
diversity of our attractions and experiences. Research shows that successful
tourism destinations aggressively market their unique attractions to improve
their competitiveness. Working with the industry, we will focus on our strongest
tourism magnets; those attractions that not only provide the pull for inbound
tourists, but should be on every South African’s “must do” list as well.
These iconic
attractions include our national parks, botanical gardens, vibrant city precincts
and, of course, our world heritage sites. A visit to some of these treasures
must also become an entitlement for every child in our country – our challenge
is to find new ways of ensuring access and affordability. Enhancing and
marketing these iconic offerings require partnerships with industry, other government
departments – particularly Arts and Culture, Sport and Recreation,
Environmental Affairs, Basic Education and Brand SA – as well as with the provincial
and local tourism authorities.
The National Tourism Sector Strategy
identifies fragmentation in the system, in particular the fragmented funding of
tourism development, as one of the challenges to be addressed. Therefore, to facilitate stronger coordination between the
different funding vehicles for tourism, a National Tourism Development Funding
Forum will be established, which will be chaired by the National Department. This will go hand in hand with the
finalisation of the new tourism incentive programme, the expansion and improvement
of how we apply our EPWP funds to ensure sustainable outcomes, and the mobilisation
of new interagency funding to benefit tourism.
We are at the start of a new political
term of office. Our mandates are clear. The ANC-led government will honour the
pledges made in our manifesto, and will use the National Development Plan as
our guiding document and vision. We will do all we can to ensure that tourism
contributes significantly to job creation, the elimination of poverty and
substantial reduction of inequality.
Ultimately, growth in tourist
arrivals is not an end in itself. The growth of our sector must be shared. We
must maximise the economic potential of tourism for our country and all its
people. As tourism happens in local communities, this is where tourism should
deliver significant and meaningful economic benefits. When all is said and done,
the tourism balance sheet must show that we are delivering on the promise of a
better life for all South Africans; that tourism is a catalyst for rural
development, job creation, the growth of SMMEs and the nurturing of new skills.
In order to enhance our sector’s contribution to inclusive growth, the Department
of Tourism will continue to invest in skills training and entrepreneurship
development, support the development of catalytic infrastructure in
communities, and will shortly be publishing the revised BBBEE codes aimed at
furthering our transformation objectives.
Chairperson, allow me to express a
few words of appreciation. I’ll start with my friend and predecessor, Marthinus
van Schalkwyk. He was at the helm for no less than 10 years and it was under
his watch that a solid foundation was laid, on which we will continue to build.
To Deputy Minister Thokozile Xasa,
thank you for the warm welcome. I look forward to working closely with you to
further build and transform this sector over the next few years.
Our Director-General, Kingsley
Makhubela, and his management team have ensured that we have a well-managed
department. I have no doubt that we will get another unqualified audit for the
2013/14 financial year. Upon my arrival in the Department, I have found a group
of dedicated public servants, who are truly passionate about their work.
SA Tourism, under the leadership of a
dedicated board and the CEO Mr Thulani Nzima, continue to do outstanding work
in marketing our magnificent destination. It will be my pleasure to open our
newest country office in Brazil in September.
Members of the Portfolio Committee
and Chairperson Comrade Beatrice Ngcobo, I am looking forward to interacting
with all of you, working on the premise that we all want what is best for our
In conclusion, Chairperson, Friday
will be the first Mandela Day since we lost our beloved and esteemed Nelson
Mandela. In his State of the Nation address, President Zuma called on all South
Africans to roll up their sleeves and clean up our country.
This should be a permanent
campaign. A clean country is certainly more attractive to visitors. On Mandela
Day this year, let us commit ourselves to seeing that every South African becomes
an equal partner on this journey, the child of the mineworker and the child of
the wealthy businessperson. Although
most tourism attractions do open their doors from time to time, we can do much
better that.
In Nelson Mandela’s own words:
“What counts
in life is not the mere fact that we lived. It’s what difference we had made in
the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead”
We need to work together to ensure
that as many South African as possible are able to participate in and reap the
benefits of this amazing sector.
Thank you.