Good morning
We are grateful that this report is launched at the time when we are entering a new era in our history and the sector at large. The fifth democratic parliament has just begun in May 2014. We celebrate twenty years of democracy this year. We are currently crafting a new strategic plan for the next five years and I believe that this curriculum evaluation report heralds a new thinking in terms of how we should shape our tourism education at high school level in the future. Naturally, we believe this process would influence a rethink of content and structure of tertiary programmes for the proper flow and articulation to take place between secondary and tertiary education in tourism and hospitality. Therefore we believe that this is the beginning of a Tourism Human Resource Development landscape revolution in our country.
The other important milestone that is about to commence in the new financial year is the review of the Tourism Human Resource Development Strategy of 2008. The nature of the recommendations in this report will definitely have a positive impact on the upcoming strategy review process. We are therefore looking forward to that process to unfold.
The inclusive nature in which the Curriculum Evaluation process unfolded leading to this report is applauded. The fact that we had the three key national departments, NDT, Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) working together with CATHSSETA led by Umalusi in this process is commendable. What is more critical is the collaboration with provinces, public and private sectors institutions of learning at secondary and tertiary level that is also noted with appreciation. But, most importantly is the involvement of the tourism industry stakeholders who are actually the ultimate recipients of learner graduates that come out of the system. Therefore the importance of industry inputs into tourism curriculum development cannot be underestimated in this regard.
Tourism, Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies, being practical subjects, are dynamic in nature because they need to keep up with new trends and developments. As a result, curriculum content needs to change regularly. Though the Department of Basic Education is the custodian of curriculum development and implementation, the National Department of Tourism (NDT) has a vital interest in the suitability of the curriculum. This is so because the quality of the learners who come out of schools influences the quality of tourism practitioners who are needed to sustain and build the tourism sector. The NDT understands that excellent service rendered to tourists is more likely to influence repeat visits to our country.
NDT’s enquiry into tourism curriculum related issues is not starting now. As early as 2006, from the time of the National Tourism Skills Development Conference, the NDT started to focus on curriculum-related issues in tourism. In order to deal with curriculum issues raised by industry, a curriculum review task team was established. The task team researched all the curricula that existed at that stage and identified the scarce and critical skills needed at the time. This time around we found appropriate partners led by Umalusi who together took this process to a different level. NDT also contributed financially to this process in that we knew the process would take us to a higher level.
We believe that this report will pave the way towards addressing some chronic reputation challenges that these services subjects have been battling with namely; value and quality standing of the three services subjects in the broader scheme of things in education as well as the issue of subject designation for university entry. We know that the latter challenge may not directly be dealt with in this process but information that flow from this process should assist in a process where this matter is dealt with. Already NDT has engaged Higher Education South Africa (HESA) on this matter and a collaborative process to influence positive changes in favour of tourism will ensue in this regard.
As we know that most educators are not formally trained in tourism and hospitality subjects content, I wish to call upon the stakeholders involved in this process to consider tourism educators empowerment initiatives seriously. This should go beyond the seminars that are conducted annually by NDT and partners but to include formal credit bearing training programmes that can lead to a formal qualification in tourism and / or hospitality education. Any good curriculum that is not supported by an appropriate and good delivery system is as good as nothing.
Having gleaned through the report recommendations, the fact that a curriculum review is envisaged, says the actual work is about to begin. We therefore would like to pledge our commitment to the review process that should unfold. Once more we believe that the inclusive approach should be maintained in this regard or even expanded if necessary. Together we can do more and better. Together, we move South Africa forward.
As I declare this report launch event open, on behalf of NDT, I would like to congratulate Umalusi, DBE, DHET, CATHSSETA, and the training and development experts involved in this achievement.
Thank you
Ms. Sibongile Kota
Media Liaison Officer
Ministry of Tourism
Cell: +27 (0) 73 648 3213