My fellow South Africans
Former President Mandela once said – “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language - that goes to his heart”
Government is sounding a clarion call to action for all to contribute through this celebration to the legacy of former President Nelson Mandela. This is a call to action for the world to participate to be inspired by the theme by contributing 67 minutes of our time to help those in need.” President Jacob Zuma declared 2015 as the Year of the Freedom Charter and Unity in Action as it marks its 60th anniversary. And what better way to give expression to this milestone through celebrating Mandela Day.
The theme for Mandela Day this year is “Take Action - Inspire Change - Make Every Day a Mandela Day”.
It is therefore extreme privilege for me to be here with you today as we join hands and assist in bettering the lives of one of our elder, Vumile Ndlebende.
Fundamentally, Mandela Day creates an opportunity for all people, irrespective of their economic, social or political to work together to confront social ills within their communities and to build a better world.
This day reminds us to continue to extend ourselves in working towards a dream and vision for a better life for all and it begins with each one of us making any type of contribution from our various environments.
Mandela Day is not only about doing good - it is about service and it is an opportunity to build upon his lifelong belief that we must live to serve every day, in whatever we do.
This is our 67 minutes of goodwill as we were taught by the great man himself, our Tata. In fact, such was the impact of his sense of humanity that this is now an internationally recognized day.
You don’t talk Ubuntu, you live Ubuntu. And this is what strikes me today here in this community. I am touched and humbled that we could all gather and better the life of one person. We all have our own challenges to deal with. Today just reinforces for me that yes, it is possible to change the world, one person at a time.
I salute each and every one of you for your contribution into making this an even better South Africa. We have come a long way and still have a long way to go to rebuild this country. But if we extend an open hand to our neighbour, we will make him proud hand. Remember a closed or fisted hand cannot receive anything. We need tolerance and patience. Tata sacrificed 67 years of his life for our freedom, can we do 67 minutes?
You are gone Tata, but you live in our hearts forever. Your legacy inspires us that anything is possible. Make every day a Mandela Day as we, together, Move South Africa Forward!
I thank you