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Minister promotes Service Excellence at North West Imbizo
Minister promotes Service Excellence at North West Imbizo
​NORTH WEST PROVINCE - In pursuit of an established culture of excellence in the sector, Minister Derek Hanekom launched the Manyane Service Excellence Legacy Team at a breakfast event held in Madikwe over the weekend. 
The Department recently implemented the Service Excellence Integrated Product Support Programme to assist identified tourism products to develop a service excellence-orientated culture in terms of their operations and processes through the application of the Service Excellence Strategy and Standards. 

“The twenty-eight (28) member legacy team represents an important step in our government’s commitment to making South Africa a globally competitive tourism destination.” 

“This programme is about putting people first. Excellent service translates to happy customers who become ambassadors. We have wonderful tourism facilities in our country and if we want to grow tourism, we need to make sure that our visitor experiences are great and memorable,” urged Hanekom.

The Minister used the occasion to also engage with the community in Madikwe on tourism issues. The Imbizo is one of a number of engagements that the Minister is undertaking to create awareness about the Department’s planned initiatives to build a sustainable and inclusive tourism economy.

“Growing tourism is a key aspect of our country’s Nine-Point Plan to ignite economic growth and create jobs. We are working with our provincial departments to ensure that the sector is inclusive, and that all South Africans can enjoy the benefits derived from tourism,” said Hanekom. 

During the Imbizo, the community raised various issues pertaining to the lack employment opportunities for the youth in the tourism sector, tourism product support initiatives and innovative partnerships between government and communities.

“Today’s engagement has not only given us an opportunity to inform you of our plans to grow the sector, but it has also given us an opportunity hear your views.”

“Our country can radically transform when its citizens are active participants in its initiatives. I urge you to join us, through our initiatives, and help us uplift our communities and move South Africa forward, concluded Hanekom. 

Mr. Trevor Bloem 
NDT spokesperson
Chief Director: Communications
Telephone: +27 (0) 12 444 6607