The Minister of Tourism Lindiwe Sisulu has received the Auditor General’s report on the performance of the Department of Tourism in the 2020/21 financial year. The department received an unqualified audit opinion, whilst SA Tourism (SAT) which is an entity of the department received a qualified audit opinion.
In a report described by the Portfolio Committee on Tourism as “bad”, the AG’s office in briefing Committee Members today highlighted that the department’s overall audit outcomes have regressed from the prior year.
According to AGSA, “the SAT’s material non-compliance was in procurement and contract management, as supply chain management processes were not followed for expenditure incurred by SAT and paid by a third party. This resulted in irregular expenditure of R34 million.”
The AG’s office recommended that the department implement consequence management for supply chain management transgressions and investigate the exceptions reported in the Tour Guide Fund.
The Portfolio Committee on Tourism recommended that the Minister also investigate some of the findings from the AGSA and report back to the Portfolio Committee.
Mpumzi Zuzile
Cell: 072 550 9019